Chartering situation

The last weeks have been very active on the chartering side.


Misida has been charterered to P&O and is used on the Dublin-Liverpool line, the same as Mistral did in 2019. The contract with P&O is for the period July-September.


Midas has started a new liner service for Wagenborg on the line Riga-Oxelösund. The main cargo is prefabricated const­ruction elements for the Swedish buil­ding sector.


Misana and Misida has been chartered to the Norwegian liner operator Sea-Cargo for delivery in August and Octo­ber 2020. The contracts are valid until end 2021 with option for Sea-Cargo to extend after that. The ships will be emp­loyed in Sea-Cargo liner service bet­ween Norway and continental Europe.


Mistral will start a new traffic in Au­gust. The charterer has asked to remain unnamed for the moment.


The new contracts will give long-term work for Misana and Misida. The con­tracts for Midas and Mistral are both for new lines and the duration will depend on the success of the traffic.


All in all this is very good news and we see the contracts as important steps on the way to getting all our ships back into long-term traffic.