Misana and Misida chartered to Stena Roro
- Misana and Misida are employed by Finnlines until the end of the year (December 2015)
- After the redelivery they will be chartered to Stena Roro for 3 years + options
- The delivery will take place in early January 2016 and the charter period is at least until December 2018
Miranda also chartered to Stena Roro
- Miranda is employed by Italian GNV - Grandi Navi Veloci until end September/beginning of October 2015
- After the redelivery she will be chartered to Stena Roro until January 2016 + option
We see this contract as an important step in keeping our vessels and crew employed for a long period.
More information on Stena, see www.stenaroro.com or www.stena.com.
For additional information, please contact Dan Mikkola, phone +358-18-528282 or email dan.mikkola@godbyshipping.fi.
Yours faithfully,
Dan Mikkola